Battery Thermal Blanket for Winter Operation
Lithium batteries have a wide operating range in terms of supplying power. One has to be careful of is not to try to charge a lithium battery at 32-degrees F or lower. Our BMS systems do not permit charging at 32- degrees or below. The battery still functions, and one can draw power, but one can’t charge the battery at those temperatures or colder until warming the battery and temperature comes above 32-degrees.
One solution is to have your battery bank located in an occupied area where you are keeping the temperature warm, or at least habitable, like above 55 degrees. Another approach is to provide a thermal blanket with a low power heater built in. We generally suggest about 1/2 amp for a 100Ah battery, and proportionately higher for larger batteries. One source we’ve heard good things about is Off Grid Power Pack in Idaho. They can fit you up with an insulated warming blanket sized for your battery, complete with automatic temperature sensor, 12V battery connections, and On/Off switch. Contact them at OffGridPowerPack , and give them your battery dimensions.
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